Maritime and Jones Act Claims

Under Federal law, seamen (someone, regardless of gender, who works on a seagoing vessel such as a commercial fishing boat, ferry, or cargo vessel) who are injured while working in the service of that vessel are entitled to special legal protections under a law known as the Jones Act. The Jones Act requires the vessel to make certain payments to the injured seaman while they recover from their injuries ("maintenance"), to pay for medical care for those injuries ("cure"), and provides for penalties should the vessel fail to meet those requirements. The Jones Act also gives the injured seaman a right to bring a legal claim for damages if the injuries were a result of negligence or the unseaworthiness of the vessel. 

The Choate Law Firm has successfully represented injured seamen in Jones Act claims, ensuring that they receive the maintenance and cure they are guaranteed by law, as well as compensation for the long-term harms resulting from negligence or unseaworthiness. If you have been injured while working on a vessel, contact us today to see how we can help you.


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